With the ability to import popular 4GL environments, MVpro enables rapid prototyping, development and deployment of applications, while supporting a variety of user interfaces.
MVpro is a 4GL development and runtime environment created by Prosol Group for use on MultiValue databases and environments. Originally developed in the early 1990’s in response to a client’s requirements to move off the UniVerse operating environment onto the Microsoft platform, it has been significantly enhanced over the years.

MVpro allows separation of the application layer from the database layer, and users can choose their interface type (character, graphical or browser).
This enables ISVs and customers to leverage the considerable investment in current systems and produce up-to-date, fully scalable, highly functional, industry standard equivalents.
The upgraded application can run against a choice of databases including SQL Server, Oracle, DB2 and U2 (UniVerse & UniData).
MVpro software developers can use Visual Studio Code as their IDE to develop their applications. Visual Studio code is an industry standard development environment from Microsoft. Prosol Group has built extensions for VSCODE for BASIC, C#, Visual Debugging and TCL.
MVpro developers can use the GUI MVpro Developer studio to maintain and enhance their MVpro applications.
Improved Scalability and Performance
The benefits
- Time to deployment – months vs. years (no system rewrite necessary, no off-the-shelf package that needs to be customized)
- Retention of investment made in the software application to date
- Improved scalability and performance through multi-tier architecture
- Code clean-up through exposure of unused code and defective code
- Skills availability – skills on legacy technology scarce and expensive
- Revitalise and re-energize the team and business – priceless